
13 Oct 2011

Creative blogs

 {I hope you'll enjoy them as much as I do}

Hi, today I am a guest blogger at Roca and Co. I am a frequent visitor at Carmen’s blog as she has shared there some fabulous ideas. Please do go and have a look at Roca and Co – you have already seen my Autumn Dress tutorial, but have a little browse and I am sure you’ll find something to inspire you - I am particularly fond of her appliqué ideas.

Carmen also has a weekly linky party each Thursday, which is gaining more entries by the week and it is also a source of many nice ideas.

And just to tickle your curiosity here a few of my favourites from Roca and Co.

Another lovely blog I would like to tell you about is Coconut Collier – it is written in Spanish but you don’t need to speak Spanish to feast your eyes on the lovely little creations that Núria makes ( and you can always use Google Translate :-). 

I totally heart her miniature felt broaches and key rings. Also Núria was very sweet to gave me an award a couple of weeks ago – thank you Núria, you are lovely!!!

Please forgive me for not posting so much lately. I have a little project in the making and I can tell you more about it soon.

Irina xx

11 Oct 2011

Recycled Jumper Felted Dress

{loving autumn leaves}

We have been going to the park regularly to collect conkers and leaves– conkers are very important in the life of a three and a half year old, you know.  The more the better, they are used to cook with, as form of payment and even as treasures hidden in secret places, especially pockets. 

The leaves we collected were so lovely that I decided to make leaf appliqué. An old felted jumper from my husband provided the fabric, so I decide to make a felted dress. This is the second piece of clothing that I have made from an old jumper. I love the fact that something which initially was heading for the bin can be reused; and also all those felted jumpers are made of 100% wool, so are sure to keep my girl nice and warm on cold days.
The dress was really fun to make and I can’t believe how easy it is to sew with felt. I am yet to clean my sewing machine – apparently felt fluffs a lot, so a regular clean is a must.

1-3 You’ll need – an old jumper, or other wool felt fabric, pattern, and scraps of autumn coloured fabric (I chose browns) and a nice selection of leaves to use for your appliqué.
4. Make your pattern – fold and existing dress that fits in half and trace around it (adding seam allowance) to create a simple A line dress pattern.

5.  Place the pattern on your jumper / fabric and trace with magic marker or water soluble pen. Cut the dress shape.
6. Pin and machine stitch the dress on the sides (I later wondered if it was better to stitch the shoulder bit – like in photo 9 and add the bias tape around the arm hole first and than sew the sides together – YES it is better)
7 - 8 Trace a selection of leaves onto paper and cut. Use Vlisofix or freezer paper to trace and iron the leaves onto your chosen fabric (photos 18 -19)

10-12 Add he bias tape – I first stitched one side of the bias tape to the back on the garment, and than fold it and stitched on the front – photo 11 – it gives it a very nice neat finish
The button closure at the back was absolutely easy to make. I followed this tutorial – its fool proof.

Here it is - a very easy, recycled jumper dress!

Happy sewing!
Irina xx

4 Oct 2011

Late summer and fat free cupcakes

{ or a lot of appliqué}

As a general rule I try to keep my bloging as a Monday to Friday activity, so at the weekend I tend to keep a low profile. And this weekend was the last long weekend before Christmas and we were really lucky to have a very warm and sunny start to October.

Here are a few photos taken in the park yesterday. 

Can you spot the little dragonfly patiently waiting for me to take a photo?

Lovely Husband and I were lucky to sit in the park, guilt free, for 3 whole hours on Sunday afternoon while Lovely Little Daughter was enjoying herself at her best friend’s birthday party. I didn’t know that even three year olds have best friends…

As a gift for the lovely birthday girl, I made a name cushion. Names cushions are hugely popular here in Germany and people really love them. I was told that the birthday girl liked colourful pink so here is what I came up with.

I enjoyed making the cupcakes so much that when I finished the cushion I had to make a cupcake appliquéd t-shirt for Lovely Little Daughter. 

And as it turned, one t-shirt was not enough so I made another one….and here is the verdict…I absolutely love appliqué embellishments.

Off to read blogs now...

Wishing you a creative week!
Irina xx