
4 Oct 2011

Late summer and fat free cupcakes

{ or a lot of appliqué}

As a general rule I try to keep my bloging as a Monday to Friday activity, so at the weekend I tend to keep a low profile. And this weekend was the last long weekend before Christmas and we were really lucky to have a very warm and sunny start to October.

Here are a few photos taken in the park yesterday. 

Can you spot the little dragonfly patiently waiting for me to take a photo?

Lovely Husband and I were lucky to sit in the park, guilt free, for 3 whole hours on Sunday afternoon while Lovely Little Daughter was enjoying herself at her best friend’s birthday party. I didn’t know that even three year olds have best friends…

As a gift for the lovely birthday girl, I made a name cushion. Names cushions are hugely popular here in Germany and people really love them. I was told that the birthday girl liked colourful pink so here is what I came up with.

I enjoyed making the cupcakes so much that when I finished the cushion I had to make a cupcake appliquéd t-shirt for Lovely Little Daughter. 

And as it turned, one t-shirt was not enough so I made another one….and here is the verdict…I absolutely love appliqué embellishments.

Off to read blogs now...

Wishing you a creative week!
Irina xx


  1. Aww, the cushion is lovely! The cupcakes look good enough to eat with all that lovely icing mmm!

  2. wonderful pics of the park.the cushion is amazing!!
    have a nice time,

  3. Those cupcakes look good enough to eat!!

    This weather is just fantastic ... hope it lasts for a while yet.

  4. That pillow is really gorgeous! Lucky birthday girl!

  5. That pillow is gorgeous

    Hi from your newest liker (number 100)


  6. very, very beautiful!
    applications are wonderful!

  7. Wunderschöne Cupcakes, zum Anbeißen, xxx Anja

  8. Und herzlichen Glückwunsch, du hast 100 Leser, sehe ich gerade.

  9. the cushion look sweet and tasty ^^

  10. Just so pretty, Wish my girls were little like that again!

  11. wow, you're so talented! i love the pillow. :)

  12., what a pretty pillow and the shirt is sooo sweet too.
    We have a birtday girl in four days, but I´m sure I can´t do it in such a short time.
    Thanks for visiting and your lovely words.
    Have a good time

  13. Adorable! My daughter has a room decorated in cupcakes--how fun!

  14. I love the pillow and the shirts! They are adorable! Thanks so much for sharing them at the Stache Party this month! I hope you'll come back next month to link up!

  15. That is one beautiful pillow, Irina!!! The appliqués are spectacular, both on the t-shirts and the pillow. The piping is a great finish to the pillow, too.


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