
28 Apr 2010

A little make up bag

I have barely been able to find time for crafting as we are moving house soon and it is really busy. But I found the time to make a little make up bag for my friend Dora’s birthday. The first bag I made turned out to be a bit of a coin purse, so I made a new bigger version. I really would like to provide a tutorial, and hope to make another bag soon.
The bag is made from 100% cotton Moda fabrics – great quality and lovely patterns.
The bag took a few hours to make and because of the three layers proved a bit of a nightmare. The thread broke about a million times and it was rather frustrating. Now that I think of it I probably didn’t use the right size needle (oops) and also there was no point in using cotton thread – polyester would have been much better.
Despite all that, my friend loved the bag and I would definitely be making more.

1 comment:

  1. Afterward sighted me almost eyeballing and dividing each designer bags & cases, I hesitation she'd ever anticipate spending with me over.


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