
21 Mar 2011

Korker ribbons

Although sewing is my biggest passion, I occasionally indulge in other crafting activities like knitting or hand embroidery. I also always wanted to make some nice and different hair clips for my daughter but always got put off by the "fabric – glue" combination. I just don’t do glue on fabric, but I guess I have to rethink this concept.

Last week at a friend’s house I saw a lovely hairclip made from lots of spiral ribbons. I have never seen that before and had no idea how the ribbons were twisted like this. So you can imagine my excitement when I found an online tutorial by Made by Mama (check out the fairy wands tutorial too) explaining how to do Korker ribbons – now I even know the name, thanks Rita.

Well, shall I say it was a pretty poor attempt at Korker ribbons, or so I thought – I had only a little bit of grossgrain ribbon and the only wooden stick I found in the house was a chopstick, a rather big one. Determined to succeed I followed the tutorial, baked my ribbon as instructed and came up with a little lees than 20cm of twisted ribbon – not enough, not at all.

Eventually I sew all Korker ribbon pieces together, added a little cherry button I bought on the sale in the UK, attached an old hair clip, and unexpectedly I must say I got quite pleased with the result. I left the clip on my daughters bedside table to find in the morning. I was lucky I took some pictures last night, as she has been wearing it since she opened her eyes and refuses to give it to me to take more daylight photos, hence the bad quality photos, appologies!

I will definitely be making these for little girl's presents.

Irina xx


  1. That looks great! For a big full bow, you'll need up to 3 metres of grosgrain ribbon. And if you're planning on making a few, a trip to the hardware store to get a few lengths of dowel will really help. (You can fit an awful lot in the oven at once!) The bow looks super cute with the button in the centre too - I think less korker ribbon and a fancy centre looks better than if you had tons of ribbon and a fancy centre trying to find its way out :)
    I also have linked to your blog for tomorrow's post - I had a shot at making one of those soft balls! :) My girls fought over it all afternoon!

  2. This is adorable, Irina. Now I know how to make korker ribbons!


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